Sleep Dentistry
Sunday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
all insurances are accepted!
Intravenous (IV) Sedation
Intravenous or IV sedation, also known as twilight sleep, is the deepest form of conscious sedation used in a dental clinic. Depending on the specific dose suggested for the patient, this form of sedation can create a mild state of anesthesia to complete loss of consciousness. However, the dosage of the anesthetics is controlled and can be adjusted throughout the treatment session based on the level of sedation needed for the procedure. If you are struggling with dental anxiety or suffer from gagging refluxes and fear the pain you may experience in your dental appointment, IV sedation may be a suitable option for you. Our highly trained and professional dental experts in Toronto can offer you a pain-free, relaxing dental experience at a modern high-tech dental office.
If you are receiving IV sedation, a trained anesthetist will inject a mixture of sedative medications directly into your bloodstream through an IV tube. This will relax your body and nerves so that you do not feel any pain or anxiety during the procedure. Also, your doctor will keep track of your blood pressure, heartbeat, and oxygen level to make sure the anesthetics are working effectively. Your memory of the procedure depends on your level of sedation; you may have a vague picture or no memory of your dental treatment, which helps overcome your phobia of the dental treatment.
Benefits of IV Sedation
What to Expect Before, During, and After IV Sedation?
Before administering the IV sedation, the doctor will ask for your medical history to check if you are allergic, have any conditions, or take any medications that may limit the use of this form of anesthesia. Also, your dentist may advise you to follow a healthier diet and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol prior to and after the treatment. During the procedure, you will receive the sedatives via the IV line, which will either help you feel relaxed or put you into a deep sleep; in both cases, you will not feel any pain or anxiety. After the treatment and with the gradual recovery from the anesthetics, some patients may face minor side effects like a slight headache or nausea. Your dentist will monitor your vital signs until you are back to normal, then give you some instructions and medications to help speed up the healing process. You are not advised to drive after receiving IV sedation, so do not forget to ask your family or friends to give you a ride home.
Finally, bear in mind that IV sedation should be administered in a professional clinic under the supervision of a trained and experienced specialist. As a result, at Walk-in Dental Clinic, we have gathered a team of dental experts who are dedicated to providing you and your family with a comforting high-quality treatment experience and ensuring that you suffer no pain or anxiety.